Friday, December 8, 2017

The Grief that stole Christmas

"You're a mean one, Mr. Grief,
You're a monster, a horror, a troll.
Your brain is full of spiders, you have garlic in your soul, MR. Grieeeeeee...EEF, YOU SUCK!"
Here's to the holidays....this one should come with a warning... "WARNING"... I'M SUPER SAD AND SUPER PISSED, BUT I DON'T WANT TO UPSET ANY OF YOU SO PLEASE READ WITH CAUTION"

~"Hey, Thanksgiving, "How you doin?" (Joey quote, "FRIENDS" forever!)

~"Well, I'm doing my very best to remind you that your first born kid isn't here this year, because, he's dead." 

That about sums up Thanksgiving 2017.~

WOW! Okay, so I wrote all the above a week before Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving was my sons ultimate favorite holiday. I so badly wanted to skip it, so, so, sooooooooooo badly. But when I sat on the couch with my daughter one night and suggested that we go to some swanky restaurant in Portland for dinner instead of the usual get together at our house, she turned her head slowly towards me with a look on her face as if I had just told her that we were moving to Antarctica and said "WHAT?!"  I was literally snapped back into reality. The reality of "One chair is empty, the others are chair is empty, the others are filled....." Breathe, pause and repeat over and over until you believe it, because it is true.

My husband and I ended up at Wal-Hell around 10:30pm on Thanksgiving Eve to shop for essentials (meaning EVERYTHING including a still partially frozen turkey! HA!)  Joining us for Turkey Day were... my parents, Dawson's parents, and a sweet little ex Jehovah witness whose family has shunned him. All I have to say to those people is, "YOU HAVE A SON, A REAL, LIVING, BREATHING, SON. A KIND-HEARTED, SMART, HARD WORKING SON AND YOU THREW HIM AWAY, ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE???" BUT, their loss is my luck, I get to see their"dis-fellow-shipped" son almost everyday and everyday he makes me laugh, and sometimes he's a brat but I laugh at that too. He reminds me of someone else I knew.

So all and all, Thanksgiving was fun, everyone was happy, we made it through and it's done.

And now on to Christmas.......

I knew that the totes filled with Christmas past would most likely not be opened this year. Even trying to briefly look for a wreath hanger in one of them that held nothing more than table cloths and miscellaneous items caused me such dispair that I had to just walk away.

Oddly, I got our tree up earlier than usual. Our tree has always been decorated with everything that the kids have made, were given, or picked out.  Due to the mentally inaccessible boxes of our normal Christmas decor,  I told my husband that he could pick out new lights and a topper for this year's tree.

     This is what we got.....

      We call her 'Merica!

My husband looked totally perplexed at the idea that my daughter and I were almost out of our seats laughing at his purchase. He truly thought it was a site of beauty.  It was a much welcomed comic relief.  Comedy is almost always a relief! Sorry honey, we were laughing at you not with you, BUT, we still love you.

This Christmas will obviously be different, not just for me but for many who will be celebrating the first year without someone that they loved with all their heart. A person who they literally would have done anything for and would give anything to hold right now. We did not expect these people to be gone. But they are and we have to keep trudging on!

So together let's vow not to let "Mr. Grief",
steal all of our Christmases,
not even a wreath! ("winks" at Dr. Seus)

I'm sure even the Grinch would agree.....

Welcome Christmas. Bring in your cheer,
Cheer to all those, far and near.
Christmas Day is in our grasp
So long as we have hands to clasp.
Christmas Day will always be
Just as long as we have we.
Welcome Christmas while we stand
Heart to heart and hand in hand.
~ Dr. Seus, "The Grinch that stole Christmas"


~ Merry Christmas Friends and Family! I love you all!~ 

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